Jesus of Nazareth

In the Gospels we find a written account of the ministry of Jesus and the words He spoke to the people.

…the crowds were amazed at His teaching” Matthew 7:28

Never has a man spoken the way this man speaks.” John 7:46

He was teaching them as one having authority” Matthew 7:29

Hear for yourself the Words of Jesus written below…!

We invite you consider some of the words of Jesus Written in the Gospels.

After reading some of what Jesus said to the people of His day you probably would agree with those who heard Him with their own ears 2,000 years ago, “Never has a man spoken the way this man speaks”! Jesus claimed that He came to be the “Light of the World” and to speak the words that God had given Him.

We are convinced that God has spoken to our world through Jesus of Nazareth and this is why His words were like none other spoken before or after Him! God has spoken through Jesus expressing His love for us, explaining His will for our lives and warning of the judgement to come.

If you have not already done so we encourage you to go to the Home Page and read through the first three main topics. In the first topic “God’s Word” we explain how you can know that God has spoken through Jesus, the Apostles and the Prophets. In the second topic “God’s Love” you will learn how God has demonstrated His love for us by sending Jesus to the cross of Calvary to die for our sins. In the third topic “God’s Will” you will discover what God expects of each one of us in response to what Jesus has said and done, and how we will one day be judged by God when we die.

Start your journey now by going to the home page!    HOME PAGE