the Bible – God’s Word


A. Introduction

From the beginning, the claim has been made here on this website that God has spoken to our world in the Bible, through Jesus and the Apostles in the New Testament, and through the prophets in the Old Testament. We have also stated that Jesus is the foundation of our conviction that this statement is true.

We have already demonstrated that Jesus is the Son of God who has come to our world speaking the words of God and bearing witness to the truth. What then did He teach that would lead us to believe that the Bible is the means by which God has spoken to our world? First, Jesus promised that His words would not pass away, and these same words He committed to His Apostles whom He chose and sent out in His name. Second, He promised the guiding presence of God’s Spirit to the Apostles in their preaching and teaching. These two promises together will be the basis for our faith that the New Testament is God’s Word to man. Third, Jesus and the Apostles believed and taught others that the Old Testament is also the Word of God to be believed and embraced in all things concerning God and man.

This is the primary reason why we believe that God has spoken to our world in the Bible and we will now take a closer look to learn more. Afterward, we will survey the other evidence which supports our belief in the Bible and altogether the evidence will provide a solid foundation on which one’s faith in scripture can rest.