the Bible – God’s Word


A. Introduction

We believe that the primary reason for believing that God has spoken to our world in the Bible is the authoritative testimony and teaching of Jesus Christ and the Apostles He sent out to teach in His name. Trusting first in the New Testament as a reliable source of information about Jesus, we concluded that it demonstrates that Jesus is the Son of God who came to speak the words of God and bear witness to the truth.

Jesus sent out the Apostles to preach and teach in His name promising His abiding presence and the guiding of the Spirit of God for them in all things. Therefore, on the basis of the teaching of Jesus and His Apostles as presented beforehand, we find ample evidence to safely conclude that the Old and New Testament scriptures are the means by which God has spoken to our world, expressing His love for us, explaining His will for our lives, and warning of the judgement to come.

In addition to this already solid foundation there are a number of other complimentary arguments which give further support to our conviction. The purpose of this section, “Other Evidence”, will be to give a presentation of these additional complimentary arguments. The information is summary and brief, and the reader is encouraged to investigate the sources already cited for a more thorough consideration of the issues. Altogether, the evidence provides a strong case for the claim that God has Spoken to our world in the Bible. The person seeking God should not at all feel hesitant about placing their full confidence in the scriptures as we have them today as God’s revelation to man, trustworthy and true in all respects.