E. Conclusion
In this section we have learned about what the Bible reveals to us concerning God, this world and man’s biggest problem, sin. God is preeminent as creator, sovereign ruler and the only true God. The scripture tell us that “God is light” and in Him there is no darkness at all. This of course describes God’s moral perfection. We learned that God created this world, and that the world and all who dwell in it belong to Him. The world is also subject to God’s plans and purposes and His laws and commandments.
A definition of sin was provided so that we understand that breaking God’s law is sin as well as failing to follow His plans and purposes for our lives. The Bible reveals to us the origin of sin, Adam and Eve, and explains its universal nature in that all have sinned and fall short of moral perfection. Finally we learned of the consequences of sin, the pain it brings, the power it can hold over our lives, and the ultimate penalty of death and separation from God it has caused.
The realities of sin would lead to despair if that were the end of the story. Thank God that in His love, mercy and grace He has made provision to enable us to overcome every aspect of sin. Please continue to the next topic, “The Gospel – God’s Love”, to begin to learn about what God has done for us in and through His Son Jesus Christ so that we may find victory over this enemy of man we call sin.