Our Hearts desire and Prayer

If you have landed on this page you may be a Christian who knows and loves Jesus Christ. If so, your sins have been forgiven and you know the love of God, the peace of God, the joy of the Lord and you look forward to the day of redemption! But at the same time you can also say with the apostle Paul, “I have great sorrow and unceasing grief in my heart” (Romans 9:2) for those people you personally know and love who do not know the Lord. And you also would say with Paul that your heart’s desire and prayer to God for them is for their salvation. (Romans 10:1) We share that sorrow for the unsaved and our hearts desire and prayer for them as well is for their salvation. But it is also our desire by God’s grace to make an effort to see them saved and we invite you to join us in that work!

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This website has been developed to help others learn more about God, the Bible and the Gospel message. We present the reasons why it is believed that God has spoken to our world in and through the Bible and what He has said there about our need to be forgiven of our sins and saved. We explain how Jesus died for our sins and why each person needs to believe in Him and how they can do that. These important spiritual truths are introduced on the home page in the three “Main Topics”: 1. “God’s Word”, 2. “God’s Love” and 3. “God’s Will”, and then explained in more depth in the “Library”. There are also many valuable resources available on the “Resource” page to be of help to those seeking God.

We also have a Facebook page dedicated to promoting the website and currently post from there on a regular basis. The posts are designed to highlight important spiritual truth on the website, especially the Gospel, and to bring the reader to those areas of the website where they can learn more. We are inviting other believers to take one simple step to make a difference in the lives of others. Like / Follow us on Facebook so that those in their sphere of influence, the friends and loved ones they care about and want to see saved, might be exposed to our posts and have opportunity to consider their relationship to God.

Together, in reliance upon the Lord, we can pray and work as fellow laborers for the salvation of those we know and love. Please look for the Facebook symbol at the bottom of this page, then go to our Facebook page and Like / Follow us. Having done that you will begin to see our posts appearing on you Facebook page. We encourage you to read them and should you know someone you think may benefit from that post, share it with them. Even if you are not led to share a post with someone individually it will be there for the Lord to use in the lives of those who visit your pages. We hope and pray you will take this one simple step and Like / Follow us on Facebook today! Thank you and may God richly bless you!