Life’s Biggest Questions!

Have you ever wondered, “Is there a God in heaven who knows and loves each one of us? Can we find lasting meaning and purpose in this life? What will happen to me when I die?”.

The answers to the second and third questions are dependent on how the first one is answered. For those who believe that life on earth is the product of blind, random, impersonal forces there is no God in heaven who loves us, neither is there any inherent purpose in life. When a person dies they cease to exist and vanish forever into nothingness!

But is that framework of thinking the only option we have regarding the nature of this life? Is there evidence that there is more to our existence than blind, random, impersonal cosmic forces?

There is a God in Heaven Who Knows and Loves Us

Christians believe that there is a God in heaven who created this world and loves us, who has provided a life with real meaning and purpose. God has also spoken to our world revealing His will for our lives and explaining what will happen to a person when they die.

On this website you will find a presentation of the reasons why we believe these things and you are encouraged to keep an open mind and give them further consideration. First, on this page you will find a summary of the reasoning which leads us to believe there is a God in heaven who has spoken to our world.


  1. The starting point is the New Testament which consists of 27 unique documents written in the first century, some by eyewitnesses, but all having as their main subject the person of Jesus Christ. We believe that the New Testament is reliable and can be trusted regarding what it tells us about Jesus.
  2. From the New Testament we learn that Jesus claimed to be sent by God to bear witness to the truth and to bring salvation to this world. Jesus told people to believe him because of the power of God that was manifested in and through him in various miraculous ways. The same eyewitnesses who reported these things also confessed that they personally believed in Jesus having witnessed the miraculous signs he did, and perhaps more importantly, having seen Him alive after his resurrection from the dead!
  3. During his ministry on earth Jesus chose the Apostles to be his disciples and then sent them out after His resurrection from the dead to be his witnesses. He promised them that he would be with them in their mission, and that the Spirit of God would also guide them and lead them into the truth. Jesus also appeared to the Apostle Paul who was sent out by Jesus to teach and preach and to be a witness to the resurrection. For these reasons we believe that God has spoken to our world by Jesus and the Apostles in and through the New Testament which records what they said and did during their ministries.
  4. Jesus and the Apostles taught that In the Old Testament scriptures God had also spoken to our world through the Prophets. Because it is believed that Jesus and the Apostles were used of God to reveal and establish what is true, their testimony regarding the God given origin of the Old Testament scriptures is accepted. There are other reasons why it is believed that God exists and has spoken to our world in the Bible which are also presented on the website. Jesus however is the cornerstone of that conviction, while the witness of the Apostles and Prophets is the rest of the foundation.
  5. Conclusion: We know there is a God in heaven because He has revealed Himself in and through Jesus Christ and His Apostles in the New Testament, and the through the Prophets in the Old Testament.

We encourage you to investigate these things further on the website where each one of these points are explained in more detail. You can start on the home page with the first main topic: God’s Word . In the “Library” you will find an even more lengthy treatment of this subject under the heading: The Bible – God’s Word . Finally, on the “Resource Page” there are a variety of additional resources which can be helpful to you on your journey.

Please use the “Contact Us” page in the menu if you have any questions or comments. You can return to this page at any time by choosing “The Existence of God” found in the same menu on the top right corner of every page.

Not only does God exist but He knows and loves each one of us. What an awesome thought! If you would like to learn more about God’s love for us and the real meaning and purpose in life which comes from knowing Him please proceed to the next page.